
Preparing Your Teeth for Porcelain and Composite Veneers

Preparing your teeth for porcelain and composite veneers is something many people wonder about. They ask: 

We’re here to shed some light on the realities of the dental veneer treatment. We’d also like to share why Dr. Frahm believes dental veneers are an easy way for you to achieve a radiant smile. 

First, porcelain and composite veneer treatment requires at least two dental care visits.

A woman smiling brightly against a simple grey backdrop.

What to Expect at Your First Veneer Visit: Preparing Your Teeth for Veneers

Once you and Dr. Frahm agreed on your desired results and the types of veneers best suited for your needs, you’ll schedule your first visit. It is during this visit that Dr. Frahm prepares your teeth for the veneers. Tooth preparation for composite and porcelain veneers entails the removal of a thin layer of tooth enamel. This ensures that veneers sit flush in your mouth and alignment well. This delivers the beautiful, natural look most people love about veneers. 

The prospect of removing tooth enamel may sound painful, but it’s not. The amount of enamel removed is only about the thickness of a fingernail. This means your tooth nerves are not disturbed. To prepare your teeth for veneers, you will be given a local anesthetic. For people with highly sensitive teeth and gums, the sensation of the procedure may bring mild discomfort, but nothing more. 

Once your teeth are prepared, Dr. Frahm makes an impression of your teeth. She sends the impression to a U.S. dental lab where technicians fabricate your veneers. At the end of your first appointment, you’ll be fitted with temporary veneers. All told, this first visit to prepare your teeth for veneers takes a few hours. 

No-Prep Veneers 

For patients who want to correct chips in teeth, close gaps and repair weakened enamel, Emprethin veneers are another option. Emprethin veneers are made of very thin compressed ceramic. Emprethin veneers do not require the preparation or enamel removal that traditional veneers do. They can even be placed over existing crown or bridgework. Emprethin veneers also require an impression, so a dental lab can fabricate your veneers to look and fit just right. 

Second Veneer Visit: Placing Your New Porcelain or Composite Veneers

Once Dr. Frahm sends your composite, porcelain or Emprethin veneer impression to a dental laboratory, it can take up to a month to fabricate your veneers. Once we receive your permanent veneers from the lab, you return for your second visit. This second visit lasts a couple of hours. The second veneer appointment happens in four steps.

  1. For composite and porcelain veneers, Dr. Frahm will remove your temporary veneers. If you opted for Emprethin veneers, Dr. Frahm will lightly buff the surface of your teeth. 
  2. Your new, custom-made veneers are placed onto your tooth surface and adjusted to ensure a good, natural fit. 
  3. From there, your veneers are bonded into place. Dental cement is used to adhere and seal your veneers into place. We’ll use a special light to harden the dental adhesive and ensure your veneers are firmly attached. 
  4. Finally, Dr. Frahm will polish your veneers for a beautiful, radiant smile. 

With proper care, you can expect your veneers to last for ten years or more, according to the American Dental Association. Dr. Frahm has completed rigorous post-doctoral training with the world’s leading dental pioneers to perfect her veneering technique. If you are ready to discuss how veneers can help you achieve your desired look, please be in touch. Call Dr. Frahm at 831-372-8011 or contact us via our webform.

Dr. Sarah Frahm profile picture.

About Dr. Frahm

Dr. Frahm received her Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2003. She completes more than 100 hours of postdoctoral training each year; earning recognition from dental experts around the country for her knowledge in the areas of cosmetic, general and restorative dentistry. Dr. Frahm is committed to providing you with excellent, comprehensive dental care. Dr. Frahm uses advanced dental techniques and technology to ensure your comfort and lasting results. View more of her achievements on our Meet Dr. Frahm page.

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