
The Procedure for Getting an Inlay or Onlay

The procedure for placing dental inlays and onlays takes two dental visits. If you’re interested in learning what to expect when you get an inlay or onlay, please read on.

Older couple hugging and smiling together outside on a sunny day.

What are inlays and onlays?

Inlays and onlays are restorations for teeth with cavities and small fractures. They are used to replace missing enamel. An inlay or onlay repairs damaged fillings and restores tooth structure.

Inlays are most used instead of a filling for cavities found in the center of your back teeth. They are molded to inside the tooth’s chewing surface without affecting the cusps.

An onlay is similar to an inlay, in that it repairs damage and cavities. However, onlays cover more of your tooth’s surface. An onlay extends to cover the cusps and around the edges of your tooth.

How inlays and onlays are placed, step-by-step

Step 1
  • Dr. Frahm removes decay or damaged enamel from your tooth.
  • If there is an existing filling, it will be removed.
  • Your tooth is gently shaped for easier inlay or onlay placement.
  • Finally, your tooth is cleaned before the placement of the inlay or onlay.
Step 2
  • A mold or impression is taken of the damaged tooth.
  • This mold is sent to a state-of-the-art dental lab to make a porcelain or composite inlay or onlay that will be placed permanently.
    • Inlays and onlays are made of biocompatible porcelain or composite material, which is stronger and more durable than composite fillings. Your porcelain inlay or onlay will be colored to match the shade of your existing teeth.
Step 3
  • Once the impression is made for the permanent inlay or onlay, your dentist will prepare and place a temporary filling to seal the tooth. This helps prevent further decay and protects your tooth from sensitivity caused by cold or hot liquids.
  • You’ll make a new appointment to return to have your permanent inlay or onlay placed.

Step 4

  • Once the permanent inlay or onlay is manufactured by the lab, you’ll return for the final placement procedure.
  • At your second appointment, Dr. Frahm removes the temporary filling.
  • The new, permanent inlay or onlay is affixed with strong adhesive.
  • Dr. Frahm smooths and polishes the inlay or onlay to ensure a comfortable bite.

When a filling isn’t enough, and a crown isn’t appropriate, Dr. Frahm recommends porcelain inlays and onlays. This biocompatible material causes a naturally strong bond and is durable enough to last from five to 30 years. Porcelain also looks and feels just like your natural tooth.

Let our team of dental care experts help you find your most vibrant smile. Please call (831)-372-8011 today or contact our care concierge to schedule your dental consultation with Dr. Sarah Frahm. We serve patients throughout the communities of Monterey, Carmel, and Pacific Grove.

Dr. Sarah Frahm profile picture.

About Dr. Frahm

Dr. Frahm received her Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2003. She completes more than 100 hours of postdoctoral training each year; earning recognition from dental experts around the country for her knowledge in the areas of cosmetic, general and restorative dentistry. Dr. Frahm is committed to providing you with excellent, comprehensive dental care. Dr. Frahm uses advanced dental techniques and technology to ensure your comfort and lasting results. View more of her achievements on our Meet Dr. Frahm page.

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