
Why Sedation Dentistry is Wonderful

Sedation dentistry is wonderful because it allows you to have a significant amount of dental work completed, while you rest comfortably through your appointment.

If you feel anxious about going to the dentist, sedation dentistry is a well-tested, effective way to reduce discomfort and pain. It has the added benefit of allowing dentists to complete treatment in less time and with fewer appointments.

Types of sedation care

According to an Adult Dental Health Survey, almost 50% of people report feeling anxious or have extreme fear of the dentist. With that in mind, Dr. Frahm has created an atmosphere of tranquility in her Zen-inspired office. With aroma therapy, personal music players, plush blankets and neck pillows, we provide a gentle, calming experience to put you at ease as soon as you walk in the door. To further offset anxiety, we often suggest sedation dentistry to patients who experience dental stress and anxiety. Sedation dental care involves the use of medicine to reduce anxiety.

Dr. Frahm is an expert in two types of sedation dentistry. She always discusses your options with you before treatment begins. With each type of sedation care, you remain semi-awake and able to respond, but rest in a deep state of relaxation

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide or laughing gas is an odorless gas that is used in combination with pure oxygen to induce a feeling of relaxation and well-being during treatment. It is the mildest form of sedation and creates a pleasant feeling of euphoria. Nitrous oxide has been used in dentistry for over 100 years. It is well-tested and effective. The gas wears off within minutes after treatment, allowing patients to return home on your own with no lasting effects.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation or OCS is a newer, extremely effective option of sedation dentistry. Dr. Frahm has undergone the rigorous training to be certified with the Doctors for Oral Conscious Sedation. Referred to as “twilight” treatment, OCS puts you in a dozing state. You will feel relaxed and rest through treatment. With oral conscious sedation dentistry, about an hour before treatment, you’ll take anti-anxiety medicine to reduce your stress even before coming in. Many patients prefer OCS because it is a deeper form of sedation that prevents anxiety, makes the experience more comfortable and reduces your memory of the procedure.

While your treatment is performed, our care team monitors your blood pressure, oxygen intake and heart rate to make sure you are calm and well taken care of. Because the effects of oral conscious sedation last longer than nitrous oxide, someone will need to bring you to your appointment and drive you home later.

Your dental health and well-being are important to us. You’ll also be hearing from Dr. Frahm once you return home to ensure you are feeling comfortable and well.

If you have a fear of dental work, you are not alone. Dr. Frahm will carefully discuss your particular needs with you to determine which form of sedation care works best for you. As always, our holistic approach to dental care keeps your long term wellness in mind. Contact Dr. Frahm today at 831-372-8011. Our office is conveniently located at 660 Camino Aguajito #201 in Monterey, CA 93940.

To learn more about Sedation Dentistry, check out this other article on our website: What is Sedation Dentistry?

Dr. Sarah Frahm profile picture.

About Dr. Frahm

Dr. Frahm received her Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2003. She completes more than 100 hours of postdoctoral training each year; earning recognition from dental experts around the country for her knowledge in the areas of cosmetic, general and restorative dentistry. Dr. Frahm is committed to providing you with excellent, comprehensive dental care. Dr. Frahm uses advanced dental techniques and technology to ensure your comfort and lasting results. View more of her achievements on our Meet Dr. Frahm page.

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